Caliph Umar Bin Khattab Determines the Year of the Hijrah and Makes a Currency
A. History and Lineage of Umar Bin Khattab
Umar Bin Khattab was born in the City of Mecca in 583 AD His father was named Khattab bin Nufail bin Abdul Uzza bin Rabah bin Qurth bin Razah bin Adi bin Ka'ab. While his mother was named Hantamah bint Hasyim bin Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Umar Bin Khattab Makhzum. His genealogy met with the genealogy of the Messenger of Allah. at Ka'ab.
Umar Bin Khattab was a brave man. He was nicknamed Al-Faruq,
meaning "differentiating falsehood and truth". He was one of those who was prayed for by the Prophet. to embrace Islam.
Rasulullah saw. pray, "O Allah, glorify this religion with Umar Bin Khattab". The aim is to strengthen Islamic da'wah. Apparently, Allah SWT. granted his prayer by choosing Umar Bin Khattab to be a supporter of the mission of the Prophet.
Before entering Islam, he often opposed the preaching of the Prophet. He was tough on followers of the Prophet. including his own sister. Because of his attitude, almost no one believed that he finally converted to Islam. A Quraysh said, "Umar Bin Khattab r.a. it is impossible to convert to Islam, unless the donkey has converted to Islam first. "
His strict attitude towards the Muslims changed completely after he became a follower of the Prophet. He became the main defender of the Prophet. the bravest. Islam is very surprising to all parties, both the Quraysh and the Muslims. He is often invited to consult by the Messenger of Allah. His proposal was often accepted by him to solve the problem being discussed.
When Abu Bakr became ill and felt that his life was soon enough, he was appointed as a candidate who would replace Abu Bakr as the caliph. The Muslims welcomed and supported his appointment as caliph. Finally, in the year 13 H, coinciding with 634 AD Umar Bin Khattab was taken as a second caliph in place of Abu Bakr.
With a firm attitude but not cruel and gentle but not weak, fair, disciplined, and responsible. Umar Bin Khattab managed to lead the Muslims from 13 H (634 AD) to 23 H (644 AD).
Caliph Umar Bin Khattab died in the month of Zulhijah in 23 H / 644 M. Umar's body was later buried next to Abu Bakr r.a. and the Messenger of Allah.
B. Personality of Umar Bin Khattab
At the time of jahiliyyah Umar Bin Khattab was known as a merchant. He is adept at trading outside the Arabian Peninsula. Umar was a respected and respected person among the Quraysh.
He is a brave man, firm, likes to speak as he is, is strong-willed and is a little hard. He was never afraid of dealing with anyone. His courage helped many of the Prophet. in broadcasting Islam.
Every time someone tried to hurt him, Umar always defended him. Ibn Mas'ud said, "Umar's Islam was a victory. His hijrah is a help. His government is a mercy. At first we cannot pray because we are afraid of the Quraysh. However, after Umar converted to Islam, he fought the Quraysh so they allowed us to pray. "
At the time of the Prophet. and the other companions migrated from the city of Mecca to Yathrib in secret, Umar did it blatantly. In fact, he challenged the Kafir Quraish who dared to hinder his migration. At that time Umar said, "O face that does not shine (meaning the Gentiles) who wants the mother to lose her child, or the child becomes an orphan, or his wife becomes a widow, then face me behind that valley." block it. They were afraid to face Umar, who was known as a mighty man
C. The struggle of the Caliph Umar Bin Khattab in preaching
After being installed as caliph in 634 AD, Umar Bin Khattab immediately adopted a policy to advance Islamic rule in Medina. In addition to continuing the struggle to expand Islamic jurisdiction, he also improved the structure of Islamic governance, established state institutions, and improved economic conditions.
Among the important efforts carried out by Umar during his time as caliph were as follows:
1. Establish institutions that regulate the social and legal fields
The institutions created by Umar to regulate the lives of the Muslims included water management institutions, food arrangements, regulating community problems, regulating land affairs, taxes, markets, laws, and so on. All institutions were created to facilitate the affairs of the growing Muslim community.
2. Establish the Baitul Mal
Baitul mall is an institution tasked with storing and distributing wealth owned by the government for the benefit of the Muslims. The wealth comes from zakat, taxes, booty, infaq, alms and other sources. After the funds were collected a lot, the funds were then distributed to finance the war, build mosques, make garden irrigation, help the poor and army salaries.
3. Establish the Hijriyah Year
The Prophet's migration event. and his followers were a major event that was important for the development of Muslims. The hijrah event made an impression on the Caliph's memory. Therefore, Umar then set the beginning of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad. as the beginning of calendar writing.
Because the calendar calculation began based on the migration of the Prophet. to Medina, then it is called the Hijri calendar. Thus in addition to the Christian calendar which consists of January to December, there is also the Hijri calendar which consists of the month of Muharram to Zulhijjah.
In the Hijri calendar there are 12 months a year.
The month in question includes:
1. Muharram
2. Shafar
3. Rabiul awwal
4. Final Rabiul
5. Jumadil awwal
6. Final final
7. Rajab
8. Sha'ban
9. Ramadan
10. Shawwal
11. Dhulkaidah
12. Dzulhijjah
4. Make currency
To facilitate trade among the Muslims, Umar made his own currency. This currency is made of gold and silver.
Currency made of gold is called Dinar and made of silver is called a Dirham. With this currency, buying and selling between people can run smoothly.
If previously the method of buying and selling was done by exchanging goods (barter), then it can now be done by exchanging goods with a currency.
5. Build a army
Caliph Umar Bin Khattab also built a strong and neat army. This strong and neat army was arranged to defend the Muslims from the threat of the enemy, as well as to expand the Islamic territory.
Without strong forces, it is very difficult to face the enemy or conquer other territories.
In the period before Umar, Islamic forces were only prepared when they faced war. Muslims are called to become soldiers then fight. There are no special soldiers who are trained, neat, disciplined and ready for combat whenever needed.
Such conditions certainly reduce their abilities and skills in war. Therefore, Umar then formed a military force whose duty was only to fight and they got salaries from the state.
6. Regulate employee and army salaries
During his time as caliph, Umar also made regulations regarding the salaries of employees and the army. If they had previously been paid for the spoils of war, in Umar's time they obtained a fixed salary taken from baitul mall. The amount and amount of their salary is adjusted to the duties and positions of each. In distributing assets from the state treasury, namely baitul mall, Umar tried to regulate them with a fair distribution.
However, what Umar did was different from the steps taken by the Caliph before. Umar gave a big part to people who had long fought alongside the Messenger of Allah. While people who have just converted to Islam get a smaller share
Likewise, the temple experts (the family of the Prophet) must receive a greater share than others.
So, if at the time of the Caliph of Abu Bakr the payroll arrangement was based on equality of rights, then during the period of Umar Bin Khattab the payroll arrangement was based on the achievements of the struggle and the privileges possessed by the recipient of the treasure from Baitul Mall. Despite the differences, Umar was able to arrange well, because he was a firm figure. Therefore, Umar did not hesitate to call other officials, such as governors, to check their policies.
7. Eradicate evil with courage and wisdom
One day the Governor of Egypt Amr bin Ash intended to establish a mosque. In the governor's view, the construction of the mosque was felt to be very important. Because, if the mosque building has been established, then Muslims will easily carry out prayer services. All equipment and builders are well prepared.
But unfortunately, the land to be prepared for mosque builders turned out to be problematic. Some of this land belongs to a Jew. Amr then ordered his order to persuade the landowner to sell his land. However, he was not willing to sell it. In fact, even if it is priced at high prices, it will not give up its land.
Hearing the provisions of the landowners, Amr then forced the construction of the mosque to continue. Feeling sad, finally the landowner gave up his land. Because he felt tyrannized, he intended to report this matter to the caliph Umar Bin Khattab in Medina. He certainly hopes that the Caliph can provide justice. Arriving in the city of Medina, he then reported his case to the Caliph.
Carefully Caliph Umar Bin Khattab listened to complaints from the small people. The Caliph then ordered that he give a camel bone to the governor Amr bin Ash. Before being handed over, the bone was given a line first by the caliph with a sword.
At the behest of the Caliph, he then rushed to Egypt to face the Governor. He reported that he was told to deliver camel bones from the caliph. When Amr saw the bone, he was very surprised. His face looked so scared. Landowners were confused as to why the governor was acting like that.
He then asked what the bones of the Caliph meant. Amr bin Ash then explained that the bones that were given the line meant that he would be straight.
The governor must uphold justice like a straight line that is not twisted in the slightest. Justice must be felt by all its people without differentiating. If the Governor is unable to do that, then the caliph Umar Bin Khattab will straighten it with a sword.
Thus the courage and policy of Umar Bin Khattab towards his subordinates and small people. He does not want the existence of tyranny even if he uses a reason that seems good. Forcing to build a mosque on someone else's land is sleazy and therefore should not happen.
This step also means that he does not like using methods of violence against weak groups of society. Therefore, it can be concluded, that in this case the caliph Umar Bin Khattab had made a decision fairly and wisely.
8. Extending Islamic jurisdiction
For most of his reign, Umar Bin Khattab made great contributions in the effort to expand the Islamic region.
As is known, the Yarmuk war has been going on since the time of the Caliph Abu Bakr. When the news of his death spread, it almost weakened the Islamic forces. But thanks to his hopes the Muslims came out as winners.
In this war there were two names of Muslim heroes, Amr bin Ash and Khalid bin Walid.
Amr was a great war strategist who at that time put his troops in a place called Wakusah (near the Yarmuk River). While the warlord was Khalid bin Walid Thanks to their tenacity, the Islamic forces, which numbered around 40,000 soldiers, were able to defeat the Roman army of 240,000.
This victory in the Yarmuk War facilitated the population of the entire Syrian region by the Muslims. After this victory, the cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Homsh, and Anthiokia were subdued.
Some Roman troops led by General Aretion stepped aside and stayed in Ajnadain near Baitulmaqdis (Palestine). They then tried to form a new power. Not long after, war broke out with the Muslims. The victory was finally won again by the Muslims.
This victory increasingly expanded the Islamic region by conquering several cities such as Yaffa, Gizet, Ramla, Tyrus, Acre, Sidon, Askalona, and Beirut. The event occurred in 16 Hijrah and coincided with the year 636 AD.
After this incident, the Muslims moved towards Baitul Maqdis. The goal is that this holy city can be fully controlled. Muslim troops surrounded the city for 4 months. As a result of this siege almost the city dwellers died of starvation. Because they were getting weaker, there came Christian leaders to make peace.
He proposed the condition that the surrender of Baitul Maqdis go directly to the Caliph. The proposal was well received by the Muslims.
Caliph Umar Bin Khattab then came to Baitul Maqdis to accept the surrender of the city. The event occurred in the year 18 Hijrah and coincided with the year 639 AD.
Subsequently, Islamic forces led by Amr bin Ash carried out repeated attacks on important cities in Egypt. The cities in question are Al-'Arisy, Al-Farma, Bilbis, and Umm Dunein.
Such an attack strategy facilitated the fall of the entire Egyptian region. Furthermore, he mobilized his troops to the cities of Ainus Shams and Alexandria. These last two cities are the most important cities because Ainus Shams has a well-known fortress of Babil.
While the city of Alexandria was a city that was always maintained by Roman forces. Thanks to perseverance and fortitude, the Muslims led by Amr bin Ash can control the two cities. The ruler of Egypt, namely Mukaukis made a peaceful trip with several conditions that must be fulfilled.
While many Roman troops died in war. This victory further confirmed the influence of the Muslims in the land of Egypt. Thus Islam spread in Egypt.
In addition to making the above policies, Umar Bin Khattab also continued to expand the area of Islam that had been started by the previous caliph. During his reign, Islamic forces were deployed to subjugate all of Persia.
Before that, in Abu Bakr some Persian territories could be subdued. Umar then continued the effort because Persian troops often disturbed the Muslims.
Umar Bin Khattab immediately sent troops to Persia under the commander of Saad bin Abi Waqqas. After the two forces met, a great battle ensued. This war between Islamic forces and Persia occurred in 636 AD in the Qadisiyyah region so that it was also known as the Qadisiyyah war.
After fighting for several days the victory was finally won by Islamic forces. The Persian army could be crippled and its commander named Rustam died on the battlefield. After the Persian capital was controlled, other regions that became Persian authorities could be easily subdued.
It was during this period of Umar that the entire Persian region was subdued. Furthermore, Umar sent Islamic forces to subdue Palestine, Syria and Egypt. All these areas can also be easily mastered thanks to the leadership of the great warlords, trained troops, and the guidance of the right caliph. The spirit of sacrifice and struggle of Umar Bin Khattab was truly extraordinary. He sacrificed personal interests for the sake of nation, state and religion.
Umar Bin Khattab was born in the City of Mecca in 583 AD His father was named Khattab bin Nufail bin Abdul Uzza bin Rabah bin Qurth bin Razah bin Adi bin Ka'ab. While his mother was named Hantamah bint Hasyim bin Mughirah bin Abdullah bin Umar Bin Khattab Makhzum. His genealogy met with the genealogy of the Messenger of Allah. at Ka'ab.
Umar Bin Khattab was a brave man. He was nicknamed Al-Faruq,
meaning "differentiating falsehood and truth". He was one of those who was prayed for by the Prophet. to embrace Islam.
Rasulullah saw. pray, "O Allah, glorify this religion with Umar Bin Khattab". The aim is to strengthen Islamic da'wah. Apparently, Allah SWT. granted his prayer by choosing Umar Bin Khattab to be a supporter of the mission of the Prophet.
Before entering Islam, he often opposed the preaching of the Prophet. He was tough on followers of the Prophet. including his own sister. Because of his attitude, almost no one believed that he finally converted to Islam. A Quraysh said, "Umar Bin Khattab r.a. it is impossible to convert to Islam, unless the donkey has converted to Islam first. "
His strict attitude towards the Muslims changed completely after he became a follower of the Prophet. He became the main defender of the Prophet. the bravest. Islam is very surprising to all parties, both the Quraysh and the Muslims. He is often invited to consult by the Messenger of Allah. His proposal was often accepted by him to solve the problem being discussed.
When Abu Bakr became ill and felt that his life was soon enough, he was appointed as a candidate who would replace Abu Bakr as the caliph. The Muslims welcomed and supported his appointment as caliph. Finally, in the year 13 H, coinciding with 634 AD Umar Bin Khattab was taken as a second caliph in place of Abu Bakr.
With a firm attitude but not cruel and gentle but not weak, fair, disciplined, and responsible. Umar Bin Khattab managed to lead the Muslims from 13 H (634 AD) to 23 H (644 AD).
Caliph Umar Bin Khattab died in the month of Zulhijah in 23 H / 644 M. Umar's body was later buried next to Abu Bakr r.a. and the Messenger of Allah.
B. Personality of Umar Bin Khattab
At the time of jahiliyyah Umar Bin Khattab was known as a merchant. He is adept at trading outside the Arabian Peninsula. Umar was a respected and respected person among the Quraysh.
He is a brave man, firm, likes to speak as he is, is strong-willed and is a little hard. He was never afraid of dealing with anyone. His courage helped many of the Prophet. in broadcasting Islam.
Every time someone tried to hurt him, Umar always defended him. Ibn Mas'ud said, "Umar's Islam was a victory. His hijrah is a help. His government is a mercy. At first we cannot pray because we are afraid of the Quraysh. However, after Umar converted to Islam, he fought the Quraysh so they allowed us to pray. "
At the time of the Prophet. and the other companions migrated from the city of Mecca to Yathrib in secret, Umar did it blatantly. In fact, he challenged the Kafir Quraish who dared to hinder his migration. At that time Umar said, "O face that does not shine (meaning the Gentiles) who wants the mother to lose her child, or the child becomes an orphan, or his wife becomes a widow, then face me behind that valley." block it. They were afraid to face Umar, who was known as a mighty man
C. The struggle of the Caliph Umar Bin Khattab in preaching
After being installed as caliph in 634 AD, Umar Bin Khattab immediately adopted a policy to advance Islamic rule in Medina. In addition to continuing the struggle to expand Islamic jurisdiction, he also improved the structure of Islamic governance, established state institutions, and improved economic conditions.
Among the important efforts carried out by Umar during his time as caliph were as follows:
1. Establish institutions that regulate the social and legal fields
The institutions created by Umar to regulate the lives of the Muslims included water management institutions, food arrangements, regulating community problems, regulating land affairs, taxes, markets, laws, and so on. All institutions were created to facilitate the affairs of the growing Muslim community.
2. Establish the Baitul Mal
Baitul mall is an institution tasked with storing and distributing wealth owned by the government for the benefit of the Muslims. The wealth comes from zakat, taxes, booty, infaq, alms and other sources. After the funds were collected a lot, the funds were then distributed to finance the war, build mosques, make garden irrigation, help the poor and army salaries.
3. Establish the Hijriyah Year
The Prophet's migration event. and his followers were a major event that was important for the development of Muslims. The hijrah event made an impression on the Caliph's memory. Therefore, Umar then set the beginning of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad. as the beginning of calendar writing.
Because the calendar calculation began based on the migration of the Prophet. to Medina, then it is called the Hijri calendar. Thus in addition to the Christian calendar which consists of January to December, there is also the Hijri calendar which consists of the month of Muharram to Zulhijjah.
In the Hijri calendar there are 12 months a year.
The month in question includes:
1. Muharram
2. Shafar
3. Rabiul awwal
4. Final Rabiul
5. Jumadil awwal
6. Final final
7. Rajab
8. Sha'ban
9. Ramadan
10. Shawwal
11. Dhulkaidah
12. Dzulhijjah
4. Make currency
To facilitate trade among the Muslims, Umar made his own currency. This currency is made of gold and silver.
Currency made of gold is called Dinar and made of silver is called a Dirham. With this currency, buying and selling between people can run smoothly.
If previously the method of buying and selling was done by exchanging goods (barter), then it can now be done by exchanging goods with a currency.
5. Build a army
Caliph Umar Bin Khattab also built a strong and neat army. This strong and neat army was arranged to defend the Muslims from the threat of the enemy, as well as to expand the Islamic territory.
Without strong forces, it is very difficult to face the enemy or conquer other territories.
In the period before Umar, Islamic forces were only prepared when they faced war. Muslims are called to become soldiers then fight. There are no special soldiers who are trained, neat, disciplined and ready for combat whenever needed.
Such conditions certainly reduce their abilities and skills in war. Therefore, Umar then formed a military force whose duty was only to fight and they got salaries from the state.
6. Regulate employee and army salaries
During his time as caliph, Umar also made regulations regarding the salaries of employees and the army. If they had previously been paid for the spoils of war, in Umar's time they obtained a fixed salary taken from baitul mall. The amount and amount of their salary is adjusted to the duties and positions of each. In distributing assets from the state treasury, namely baitul mall, Umar tried to regulate them with a fair distribution.
However, what Umar did was different from the steps taken by the Caliph before. Umar gave a big part to people who had long fought alongside the Messenger of Allah. While people who have just converted to Islam get a smaller share
Likewise, the temple experts (the family of the Prophet) must receive a greater share than others.
So, if at the time of the Caliph of Abu Bakr the payroll arrangement was based on equality of rights, then during the period of Umar Bin Khattab the payroll arrangement was based on the achievements of the struggle and the privileges possessed by the recipient of the treasure from Baitul Mall. Despite the differences, Umar was able to arrange well, because he was a firm figure. Therefore, Umar did not hesitate to call other officials, such as governors, to check their policies.
7. Eradicate evil with courage and wisdom
One day the Governor of Egypt Amr bin Ash intended to establish a mosque. In the governor's view, the construction of the mosque was felt to be very important. Because, if the mosque building has been established, then Muslims will easily carry out prayer services. All equipment and builders are well prepared.
But unfortunately, the land to be prepared for mosque builders turned out to be problematic. Some of this land belongs to a Jew. Amr then ordered his order to persuade the landowner to sell his land. However, he was not willing to sell it. In fact, even if it is priced at high prices, it will not give up its land.
Hearing the provisions of the landowners, Amr then forced the construction of the mosque to continue. Feeling sad, finally the landowner gave up his land. Because he felt tyrannized, he intended to report this matter to the caliph Umar Bin Khattab in Medina. He certainly hopes that the Caliph can provide justice. Arriving in the city of Medina, he then reported his case to the Caliph.
Carefully Caliph Umar Bin Khattab listened to complaints from the small people. The Caliph then ordered that he give a camel bone to the governor Amr bin Ash. Before being handed over, the bone was given a line first by the caliph with a sword.
At the behest of the Caliph, he then rushed to Egypt to face the Governor. He reported that he was told to deliver camel bones from the caliph. When Amr saw the bone, he was very surprised. His face looked so scared. Landowners were confused as to why the governor was acting like that.
He then asked what the bones of the Caliph meant. Amr bin Ash then explained that the bones that were given the line meant that he would be straight.
The governor must uphold justice like a straight line that is not twisted in the slightest. Justice must be felt by all its people without differentiating. If the Governor is unable to do that, then the caliph Umar Bin Khattab will straighten it with a sword.
Thus the courage and policy of Umar Bin Khattab towards his subordinates and small people. He does not want the existence of tyranny even if he uses a reason that seems good. Forcing to build a mosque on someone else's land is sleazy and therefore should not happen.
This step also means that he does not like using methods of violence against weak groups of society. Therefore, it can be concluded, that in this case the caliph Umar Bin Khattab had made a decision fairly and wisely.
8. Extending Islamic jurisdiction
For most of his reign, Umar Bin Khattab made great contributions in the effort to expand the Islamic region.
As is known, the Yarmuk war has been going on since the time of the Caliph Abu Bakr. When the news of his death spread, it almost weakened the Islamic forces. But thanks to his hopes the Muslims came out as winners.
In this war there were two names of Muslim heroes, Amr bin Ash and Khalid bin Walid.
Amr was a great war strategist who at that time put his troops in a place called Wakusah (near the Yarmuk River). While the warlord was Khalid bin Walid Thanks to their tenacity, the Islamic forces, which numbered around 40,000 soldiers, were able to defeat the Roman army of 240,000.
This victory in the Yarmuk War facilitated the population of the entire Syrian region by the Muslims. After this victory, the cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Homsh, and Anthiokia were subdued.
Some Roman troops led by General Aretion stepped aside and stayed in Ajnadain near Baitulmaqdis (Palestine). They then tried to form a new power. Not long after, war broke out with the Muslims. The victory was finally won again by the Muslims.
This victory increasingly expanded the Islamic region by conquering several cities such as Yaffa, Gizet, Ramla, Tyrus, Acre, Sidon, Askalona, and Beirut. The event occurred in 16 Hijrah and coincided with the year 636 AD.
After this incident, the Muslims moved towards Baitul Maqdis. The goal is that this holy city can be fully controlled. Muslim troops surrounded the city for 4 months. As a result of this siege almost the city dwellers died of starvation. Because they were getting weaker, there came Christian leaders to make peace.
He proposed the condition that the surrender of Baitul Maqdis go directly to the Caliph. The proposal was well received by the Muslims.
Caliph Umar Bin Khattab then came to Baitul Maqdis to accept the surrender of the city. The event occurred in the year 18 Hijrah and coincided with the year 639 AD.
Subsequently, Islamic forces led by Amr bin Ash carried out repeated attacks on important cities in Egypt. The cities in question are Al-'Arisy, Al-Farma, Bilbis, and Umm Dunein.
Such an attack strategy facilitated the fall of the entire Egyptian region. Furthermore, he mobilized his troops to the cities of Ainus Shams and Alexandria. These last two cities are the most important cities because Ainus Shams has a well-known fortress of Babil.
While the city of Alexandria was a city that was always maintained by Roman forces. Thanks to perseverance and fortitude, the Muslims led by Amr bin Ash can control the two cities. The ruler of Egypt, namely Mukaukis made a peaceful trip with several conditions that must be fulfilled.
While many Roman troops died in war. This victory further confirmed the influence of the Muslims in the land of Egypt. Thus Islam spread in Egypt.
In addition to making the above policies, Umar Bin Khattab also continued to expand the area of Islam that had been started by the previous caliph. During his reign, Islamic forces were deployed to subjugate all of Persia.
Before that, in Abu Bakr some Persian territories could be subdued. Umar then continued the effort because Persian troops often disturbed the Muslims.
Umar Bin Khattab immediately sent troops to Persia under the commander of Saad bin Abi Waqqas. After the two forces met, a great battle ensued. This war between Islamic forces and Persia occurred in 636 AD in the Qadisiyyah region so that it was also known as the Qadisiyyah war.
After fighting for several days the victory was finally won by Islamic forces. The Persian army could be crippled and its commander named Rustam died on the battlefield. After the Persian capital was controlled, other regions that became Persian authorities could be easily subdued.
It was during this period of Umar that the entire Persian region was subdued. Furthermore, Umar sent Islamic forces to subdue Palestine, Syria and Egypt. All these areas can also be easily mastered thanks to the leadership of the great warlords, trained troops, and the guidance of the right caliph. The spirit of sacrifice and struggle of Umar Bin Khattab was truly extraordinary. He sacrificed personal interests for the sake of nation, state and religion.
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